Weather, Climate and Forecast for Antarctica, Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego

The Climate of Tierra del Fuego belongs to Sub polar Oceanic. Although temperatures are cold during all the year, it is possible to appreciate Magellan forest.  Ushuaia has a average temperature of 5,7 °C and a low annual temperature variation, from -0,3 in July to 9,4 °C in January;  it is not common temperatures over 15 °C in Summer or less than -8 °C in Winter. Record of absolute temperatures are 29,4 °C (December) and -25,1 °C (July). Cold is so constant, that in Summer it snows eventually, or temperatures like -6 °C. Precipitations, that in Winter usually falls as snow, are constant during the year (524 mm). Even if it doesn’t seem too much, because of the low temperature, they help to consider Ushuaia as a city with wet weather; it also helps that it rains 200 days a year. Strong winds from the western quadrant, originated in the Pacific, feels hard in the city. They give their shape to unprotected trees that grows with their crowns following wind direction. These are called “flag trees”.

This is the weather forecast for our Land...

Windy general map

Use this map to explore the weather condicions in the upcoming days in all the area of our operations.

Forecast place by place of Tierra del Fuego with windguru

Weather for Ushuaia

Weather for Valle de Tierra Mayor & Cerro Castor

Weather for Tierra Mayor Valley

Weather for Cerro Castor, Cerro Krund, in the base of the mountain

Weather for Cerro Castor, Cerro Krund, at 600 meters High

Weather in Cerro Castor, Cerro Krund, in the main Summit

Weather for Sierra Valdivieso Trekking (South to North)

Weather for Tierra Mayor Valley - PIPEF Pista Provincial de Esqui de Fondo

Weather fro Beban Pass, higgest part

Weather for Bahia "El Torito" lago Fagnano, Sierra Valdivieso Trekking

Weather fro Bahia Palacios, Fagnano Lake, middle of Lago Fagnano.

Weather for Tolhuin and Corazon de la Isla

Weather for Tolhuin, Lago Fagano East Head

Weather for Ex-Estancia Carmen (Corazon de la Isla Natural Reservation west access)

Weather for Lago Yakush

Weather for Corazon de la Isla Natural Reservation, East access, Estancia Ushuaia

Weather for Bahia Guanaco, Lago Fagnano north coast, rio claro

Weather for Rio Grande, Magallanes Strait and North of Tierra del Fuego

weather for Rio Grande

Weather for Paso Radman

Weather for Estancia Viamonte

Weather for Estrecho de Magallanes (Argentina and Chile border - East access)